Fantasy and Freedom
“Wendy Fee combines pure colours into a refreshing understanding of the viewer’s ability to see beyond the frame, to find a peace within oneself guided by the shared wonders we live in. The way Wendy creates gives each painting an organic optic and an immediate connection to nature.”
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Coral Mosaic Acrylic 36 X 48 Acrylic on canvas
In It Together 48 X 48 Acrylic on canvas
Early Summit 32 X 34 Acrylic on canvas framed
A Patchwork Sea II 29 X 29 Acrylic on canvas framed
Dangerous & Beautiful 36 X 18 Acrylic on water-colour paper Framed under glass
Blue My Mind 38.5 X 38.5 Acrylic on canvas framed
10,000 Feet II 30 X 30 Acrylic on canvas Framed